Quote of the Week: Margaret Atwood
What a beautiful insights from poetess and writer Margaret Atwood, completely applicable in our arts.
From the "Birreal" paradigm, the idea is to manifest the Inner Reality of our secrets through the Outer Reality in such a way that everything that is perceived doesnt expose or even communicates in any way any type of procedure. Every action must be studied as choreography, every word needs to be relevant and the artifacts are the focus of the mystery.
If you dont do all these reflection and action, you will enter into the classic risk of simply doing a trick, hoping that people are not logically-oriented so they cant discern some part of your method, or worse, the core method in itself. For example in using a billet to create a telepathic experience, every action needs to be motivated as if you are just holding an innocent piece of paper without real relevance to the actual telepathic experience. If the participant or the audience thinks or feels something about the actual paper, we are losing potential of mystery, bringing the critical mind in an unnecessary way.
Is our task as Mystery Performer to transform potential puzzles and tricks into actual mental mysteries.
Related to this conversation, if you are interested in using a simple and direct way to use marking cards, be sure to check our latest release from Stephane Lacroix