Quote of the Week: Michael Weber

Michael Weber is without a doubt one of the best thinkers in Mentalism. His deep thoughts and contributions to your art are always well worth it.

This quote comes from the wonderful Neal Scryer-Carnival of Secrets, and especifically from Michael´s Six Golden Rules. Just two pages, but huge profound content.

In this short essay, Michael offers six main concepts that for him ,are golden rules in effective performance, and "Character" is the first one.

We have the tendency to over-value the routine and not the performer. The clever method but not the creative thinker.

If we think about it, in the first place is always the person, then what he does. What we do is inherently influenced by what we are.

We try to get a powerful routine,  buy are we powerful performers?
We buy new material to impress people, but can WE be the impression for others?

Dont try to find externally what you cant find internally.

Yes, it is a great responsibility and a complex path, but it is the only way. There is no shortcut to excellence, and you are invited to that excellence. Be yourself, be brave and do not be a bad imitation of other performer.

Of course, you can start your journey taking models from others. This is different. Being influenced by others is the beginning of your own self-knowledge, but as soon as you can, you need to start to create your own path, in which your own authenticity starts to shine.

If someone copies you, dont feel offended. 
Remember that the most important cant be stolen.

Maybe they will copy your routine, but they cant NEVER copy you.
Maybe you can copy others, but you will never be other person. 

Be ethical, dont lose time trying to be that "star"... be your own star.

Thanks Michael for your wonderful thinking and inspiration.


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