Quote of the Week: Bob Cassidy

This week, a powerful reminder from the Master Mindreader. This quote is the first principle in Bob Cassidy-Principia Mentalia , which you can get here 

In Bob’s approach, offer a credible experience is an essential aspect of Mentalism, and a clear difference with mainstream Magic performances, so tHe plausibility of your acts is an important point to observe.

Normally we move towards the idea that people “doesnt need to perceive the trick”, so we work in a paradigm of “hiding”, which for me is just half of the work. We need to not just hide, but be able to camouflage our actions in our Inner Reality, but at the same time, offering beautiful and interesting actions in our Outer Reality, so our audience can truly have an idea of how this experience is being created!

Your subtext and your text in your script will allow you to create that context of plausibility. Context is not only a physical space, but a proactive creation from your part as performer, setting the mind of your audience to perceive what you have to offer as a credible experience.

Tricks are not relevant, a specific routine doesnt create the context.
YOU are the responsible.

So, this week, be aware of these ideas and work hard towards that needed context. As an example, “Name/Place” (get it in here https://nameplacevideo.blogspot.com/) offers a clear path of plausibility, regarding synchronicity and connection as an important aspect of a telepathic experience (which is completely true)

Thanks Bob for your legacy ❗️


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