Quote of the Week: Peter Turner

Recently my friend Peter did a great Q&A Facebook Live in which he shared several insights, ideas and opinions. In one of the questions about the “best impromptu effect” he offered this quote, which invites us to reflect during this new week.

“Effects” is a strange word to use in in our language. I understand it as a needed reduction of what we facilitate for our audience, but we must be also aware of the limits. Can we REALLY know which is the true experience of each member of our audience whenever we perform?

Sure, we construct for them an Outer Reality as collective and shared perception, but we must be conscious that the beauty in performance is also in the unique and exclusive experience.

Also, we must understand what we do not just as “effect” but also as “cause”. The mind of each member of our audience and each participant is receiving what we do and these actions are actually causes that are creating inner effects.

But in here Peter confronts us with the comparison with “affects”, which adds an interesting emotional level to our craft.

How is affecting what you do, regardless the “effect” or specific piece that you decide to perform?

Do you use “affect” to guide your repertoire?

Yes, you can have “routines with you” or learn nice “Anywhere Mentalism” pieces with borrowed objects, but if that is your only factor in deciding your repertoire, you are taking off the true important aspect.

“Affect” connects us with that sensibility that allows us to choose the correct piece to perform, and at the end, the most effective narrative, phenomena and experience to apply in your performance.

If you feel that in that moment a telepathic piece will affect someone in constructive ways, go with that. Not just because you know a billet technique, but because that experience will truly affect your participant, and you will be able to share your unique meaning.

More affect, less effect.

Thanks brother for this great quote 🔮


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