Aristotle, one of the greatest greek philosophers inspires us today to explore the mind as the fundamental source.
What is the "energy" of the mind?
The word "energeia" in greek is not just our open understanding of "energy", but "being–at–work". So he offers us the notion that in order to discover the essence we must move our mind not just in the rational aspect, but in action!
An interesting concept then that we can observe from this quote is the "applied curiosity"
Mentalism is not just a beautiful artform, but also a path of self-actualization, and through the powerful discipline of practice and rehearsal we can learn a model for life, in which we observe our "present self" and we envision our "future self" through the "applied curiosity"
Curiosity is not enough. We need to ACT.
During these different and special times of quarantine, use your time wisely. Study, read and re-read, be in a space of curiosity and exploration, let your unconscious mind do the work and find your hidden potential!
That is why Mentalism Center is focused in offering you the best content. We have the daily mission of pushing the art to new levels of realism, both from the Inner and Outer Reality.
So, this week, keep your "applied curiosity" alive and enjoy the essence of life!