Quote of the Week: Carl Jung


The last "Quote of the Week" from 2020, a unique and challenge year, comes from the Symbol Master Carl Jung.

Lets start form the basis...what is a symbol?

Edward Edinger in the "Ego and the Archetype" says:

Man needs a world of symbols as well as a world of signs. Both sign and symbol are necessary but they should not be confused with one another. A sign is a token of meaning that stands for a known entity. By this definition, language is a system of signs, not symbols. 
A symbol. on the other hand, is an image or representation which points to something essentially unknown, a mystery. A sign com­municates abstract, objective meaning whereas a symbol conveys living, subjective meaning. A symbol has a subjective dynamism which exerts a powerful attraction and fascination on the individual. It is a living, organic entity which acts as a releaser and transformer of psychic energy. We can thus say a sign is dead, but a symbol is alive. 

In a simple way, a "STOP" sign is precisely, a sign. It is created so the meaning is fixed and functional. A "circle" is a powerful symbol that can point to different meanings, and as Edwards says, is alive to be part of the unique moment to dynamically transform.

Are you aware that EVERYTHING that we communicate in performance (and in life) contains symbols and offers a deeper meaning?

The use of symbols in daily actions is mostly unconscious for most people, and that is why we need to awake to the importance of those aspects. They flourish naturally in every action, and it is our duty to observe them and apply them consciously.

Lets look the graphic, beyond the explicit quote. Do you see his body posture? His ring? His pipe? His face?

All those subtle aspects are indirectly being part of the communicational dynamic. What are the symbols that you are using in your public image as performer?

The deeper work with symbols is a complete necessity for any Mystery Performance student, thats why we are preparing a new release that will offer you a powerful opportunity of new learning and expansion.

If we see symbolically the use of ESP Cards in performance, new possibilities open. If we see for example our "E5P Deck" you will notice that we add both the Wavy Lines and the Triangle as possibility for you.
Each symbol contains interesting meanings that we can use in performance

This week, open the eyes of your eyes and be aware of all your surroundings, and observe deeper for the symbols that they express in subtle ways.

Thanks Master Carl Jung! 



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