Quote of the Week: Vincent Van Gogh

Welcome to a new Monday, Welcome to a new "Quote of the Week"

Today, the Impressionist Vincent Van Gogh, offering a piece of wisdom regarding motivation and pushing against our own natural limitations.

If you know his story, you know that he suffered from psychotic episodes and delusions, so the "voice" that he heard saying "NO" was very real for him for sure.

No matter the characteristics of that voice, we all have the experience in a way or other in which we feel that we cant be or do something. What is beautiful about this quote is the importance of action, even when we dont feel the initial motivation of action.

Your being is your deeper motivation that will remind you the unique capacities that you have. You only need to activate it and observe the feelings appearing during the action. If we wait until we are completely sure of doing something, we will limit ourselves in unneeded ways.

You know? Sometimes I dont feel performing, or creating or writing or even share my reflections in this space, but you know what? I accept that lack of initial strength and I remember this quote, just DOING. Sometimes we need to push ourselves to that "uncomfort zone" of allowing ourselves change. 

That voice that says "YOU CANT" is your comfort zone. It is comfortable to just lose time, but we are here for a deeper meaning. Cooking for your family, writing your ideas, sharing a moment of mystery to others, or just smiling someone as a random act of kindness.

This is one of the powerful quotes that I add to my recent new booklet "Motivational Mentalism Virtual Act" in which we see the powerful concept of Motivation, taking all off the naive and "pseudo-optimism" understanding, offering deeper reflections regarding the spiritual and emotional nature of it, and how we can use our mind and body in order to understand motivation from a powerful way.

Happiness is a simple choice of living once we understand the deeper aspects of "motivation", and in this booklet we dont only study the act itself and all the pieces that you will perform, but most important, the reflections and content that can transform your act into a genuine vehicle of self-expression.

So my friend, this week, go out of your comfort zone and dont depend in those negative voices to be what you can be. Integrate them and be thankful of them.
 Without those "You cant" there is no cause for your powerful "YES I CAN"

 Work hard, play hard and enjoy your unfolding potential.

Thanks Vincent for your beautiful flowers 



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