Quote of the Week: David Berglas

A master of the impossible, David Berglas inspire us to move our imagination to new places of freedom and possibilities.

A revolutionary mind that shared with us new paradigms for Equivoque, ACAAN and many other classic techniques and pieces, showing us that there is always a way.

Creativity works in creative ways, of course, but it is always nice to know systems that can facilitate in you new ideas. That is why I offered the "Evitaerc" model, allowing you to move beyond methods and use your potential with the goal in mind.


Be fearless with your creativity, be flexible and learn different ways to achieve the same Outer Reality. We can create telepathic connections with other in a plethora of ways, learn different ones and adjust to the context.

Your imagination is a space of reality. The Mundus Imaginalis is waiting for you.

Thanks David for your powerful inspiration!  



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