Quote of the Week: Frida Kahlo

Today, we invite mexican artist Frida Kahlo with this beautiful insights about the transcendence of art beyond the moment of performance

What is your legacy?
What is the idea that you want to share with others with your performance?

It is valid if you dont want to reach that level of impact, but if you want to bring authenticity and "fruits" in your Mystery Performance, there are many ways in which you can explore this possibility.

The aesthetic value of a painting is a powerful space of beauty but all artforms contain a deeper potential that we can explore. The aesthetics of our performances, the phenomena presented, the conversations, everything can be a channel that opens a new space of reflections and newness for your audience and participants.

Astonishment, surprise, awe and all emotional experiences can be utilized as mystery reminders. All moments in our performance can remind our audience of the deeper mysterious nature of the mind and reality.

Go beyond, explore your potential and paint your flowers in powerful ways!

Thanks Frida for your unique perspectives and art.



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