Quote of the Week: Darwin Ortiz

What is the meaning of your performance?
Just fooling?
Just entertaining?

Master Magician and Author Darwin Ortiz (RIP) offered his wisdom in his theory, influencing a generation of Mystery Performers. 

Anyone can fool someone with a trick or puzzle, but the true art in Magic and Mentalist is to be able to go beyond those rational superficialities and impact your audience and participant with mystery and awe.

Sleight of hand or cleverness is not enough, as a matter of fact, is just the beginning. Use your techniques as tools to design a fascinating Outer Reality.

Build your repertoire with performances pieces that can express your authenticity. Dont miss your change to explore your uniqueness using Mentalism as your artistic vehicle.

If you want to explore the deeper aspects of Mystery Performance, be sure to check "The Path of Mystery" and start your inner transformation!



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