Quote of the Week: Larry Becker

One of our giants recently left our physical reality, but Larry will always be with us in our minds and souls.

A creative genius, part of the 6 1/2 (legendary Mentalist group), wonderful performer and marvelous human being.

For some "ortodox" Mentalists the work from Larry was "too mental magic", but we can see that his approach was not afraid of comedy, colorful props and original approaches. Personally, I love diversity and although my approach always explore credibility, I can appreciate his wonderful corpus of work.

As Kenton says, in a way or other Larry influences your own repertoire even without your awareness.

Sneak Thief? Yes, he was the creator.
Flashback Principle for book test? Yes. As a matter of fact I ask his permission for our "Little Prince" Book Test, and he offered us not just that but his blessing and appreciation for asking.

Kollosal Killer by Kenton? Yes, he was a huge influence.

His subtle use of wonderful psychological touches, the ingenuity of his methods and much more is his legacy for us.

You truly did the impossible, possible. 
Thanks Larry.



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