Quote of the Week: Kenton Knepper

A powerful reminder from Kenton.

Our individuality is not the end but the beginning of our adventure in Life as Mystery Performer. We need to create a persona as Mentalist in order to use that character as vehicle towards the mysterious experience for our audience. If we only perform to inflate our ego, we will explode like a balloon whenever we get rejected. Just serving ourselves with our practices is a reduced possibility. 

If we focus in the flowing experience of Mentalism, everyone gets the best. You, the participant and the audience can appreciate the power of the Mystery.

Use your skills for the Goodness of everyone. Lift people, offer them powerful and meaningful moments of mental mystery. 

If you love them, they will love you back.

If you want to learn more about this needed conversations, be sure to check my "The Path of Mystery" and Kenton´s Principles 

Thanks Kenton for your inspiration!



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