Quote of the Week: Terence Mckenna


Terence Mckenna, author and navigator of the mind talks about several fascinating topics for the Mystery Performer, one of them is Shamanism and Alchemy. The philosopher stone is the mysterious object that does basically everything that we can imagine, and this substance expresses a powerful metaphor about the human mind, our essential concept as Mentalists.

We can explore, polish, expand, and use our mind in beautiful ways. As Mystery Performers we already do that, and we can explore even deeper possibilities if we are up to the fun challenge.

Shamanism is the "oldest religion", the original way of connecting with the mysteries, and we as Magicians and Mentalist can learn a LOT from this tradition, which is alive all around the world. That is why at Mentalism Center you will find several releases that are related with these conversations, one of them being our latest release (in pre-order now) from Carlos Emesqua.

In this new project from Carlos we will learn amazing ways to perform our repertoire in new mind-shattering ways. The science and art of miracles, exploring a fascinating scientific theory (underground for many) that challenges everything that we know about reality, that can offer us as performers and amazing new possibility of impact and realness to our performances.

A Shaman was (and is) an alchemist that uses the natural forces in apparently supernatural ways, which is basically what we do already!

As Mentalist we are "masters of the mind", right? So if you want to truly understand your potential, this new book is for you!


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