Quote of the Week: Enrique Enriquez

An enigmatic figure, a powerful artist, a kind human being.

Enrique is always an inspiration, no matter he does, and today we can get inspiration by this beautiful quote.

Tarot is one of the best symbolic tools available. Archetypes, postures, images and human potentials are there for us to create poetry, present observation about the unknown future, inner work and much more.

As Mystery Performers it is essential to understand the basics of Tarot so we dont ignore the universal impact that this arcane deck has for people. Sadly most Mentalists dont know a bit about it, and through deception they convince others of fake expertice.

Why faking it if you can reach it?

Be excellent, explore and learn from correct sources and most important, develop your own way. 

That is why I am launching today our "Tarot Online Course" a one month one-on-one experience of insights, growth and expansion.

The future is an unknown mystery, and through the Tarot we can connect to the present and envision a potential tomorrow. 



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