It is incredible the amount of ageless wisdom and power that we can find in the words from Theo.
It is NOT about the latest gimmick that they want to sell you it is not about that electronic whatever that promises you the best reactions.
It is about YOU and the unknown potential that you can reach when you do your inner work properly. Only then you can use classic or modern methods and pieces in order to express yourself as human being.
That is why in our Mentalism Course we focus so much in "Roots". If you dont know yourself as performer, you will perform whatever and anything will feel meaningless.
As soon as you do your inner home work and you write clearly your intentions, meanings, expressions, ideas and possibilities, you will be able to reach them. It is so obvious and so simple that most people dont do it.
Do it, take a pause of the "trick fever" and for a few days talk with yourself, read your own mind and bring this knowledge and wisdom that will allow you to become a better Mystery Performer.
Thanks Theo for your reflections.