Today we observe our roots from as Mystery Performers in order to understand our role in deeper ways from Mircea Eliade, Romanian historian of religion, writer, philosopher, and professor.
From the entertainment level we can connect our roots to the 18th century but the deeper influences go beyond even Egypt, connecting us to the original primitive magician as he says, the shamanic tradition.
Every Mystery Performer touches in different ways this archetype, and that is why if you are interested in exploring profound possibilities, learning from this tradition will be highly beneficial.
We can offer to others moments of pure awe and wonder, experiences that can facilitate a restorative perspective through the mystery, and thats true both for the modern Magician/Mentalist and the Shaman.
If you are interested in learning more about the "Shamanic Performance" approach, be sure to check our latest book from Carlos Emesqua!
This is not about "pretending" to be something that you are not, quite the opposite, explore what you can be in your higher potential as Mystery Performer.
This is an open invitation but obviously some people will not receive the call, and thats fine. This topics are advanced ones , so if you feel that this can offer you new insights, this book is for you!