In the "Versatile Box 2.0" eBook I used the concept of "meaningful predictions" in order to advance our understanding of the potential of our precognitive skills in Mentalism.
Being able to predict anything is an incredible power, but that is nothing more than just ego inflation if we dont use it meaningfully. If what we do only serves "me", leaving the audience in a status of disconnection, the mental phenomena was created for sure, but we lost the opportunity to offer a deeper connection through our performance.
At least in my understanding of this beautiful art of Mentalism, what we do is not just a goal but a bridge towards a deeper potential goal. In the language of the "tree model", the foliage allows the fruits.
Predicting random numbers is cool but being able to offer a beautiful experience involving a fascinating imaginal exploration and a precognitive surprise as an extra mysterious accentuation is at least for me, the way to perform predictions.
(thats one of the pieces that I teach in the eBook)
The invitation for you is to observe any of the routines from your repertoire in which you predict something, and find a new way to advance the focus of the performance from the phenomena to meaning.