(Photo by Rick Maue)
Today, we rescue a powerful principle from the Master Mindreader Bob Cassidy, as reminder of the importance of sophistication in our Inner Reality as Mentalists.
Yes, the core method of our performance allows us to reach a specific goal, but that is not enough. The core method is just the beginning of the design of a multi-layered performance.
Lets see a clear example: You invited your participant to a telepathic experience, and using some blank cards and a marker
(using one of the techniques from B´Cards)
you are able to secretly know the participant´s thought.
(our peek is our "core method)
Yes, you can reveal the word that your participant wrote, but in order to create the experience that you reveal a metaphysical thought and not just a written word, we need to consciously add different subtleties, techniques and artifacts (Telepathic Artifacts) in order to truly elevate that experience.
In this way, as Bob says, the method is well concealed in our performance and we are able to create a realistic experience of Mentalism and not just a theatrical act of Mental Magic. If you know Bob´s work, you know that he was constantly adding small subtleties (both in his Inner and Outer Reality) that allows the experience to flourish in the mind of the audience.
He was the Master Mindreader for several reasons, one of them , is this simple and powerful principle.
Observe your performances pieces, analyze your core method and also go deeper and contemplate different extra moments, ideas, finesses and applied techniques that separate the ordinary performer and the extraordinary one.
Thanks Bob for your constant inspiration!