Quote of the Week: Ted Karmilovich

Ted Karmilovich, legend in modern mentalism left us recently. His bodily presence is not with us, but the legacy of an artist stays as contribution to the art for posterity.

(this quote comes from the powerful book "Neal Scryer and Friends", a titanic collection of Mentalism and Psychic Entertainment ideas in which I am honored to be with a pendulum piece (that you can also learn at "Ideas about Pendulums" and an essay called "Humanistic Performance")

Some years ago I interacted with Ted via email, sharing with him a method that I created (inspired in his essential MOABT) that allowed us spanish-talking performers to create a similar dynamic. He was very kind and open, an example for many with arrogant behaviour in the community.

Ted offers us a plethora of fascinating methodological explorations and relevant focuses. As soon as you are able to experience his performance, you can see his economy in terms of core methods and his sophistication in the subtle secrets in his design of a mentalism experience.

You can tell by this focus that Ted is a real-world performer, and a constant ideal for the one that wants to perform in powerful ways. There is no need of complicated methods if you can utilize a simple one, but remember that simplicity is a subtle value. Simple is not easy, but well-crafted so complexity can appear in our performance. In the Birreal language we can say:

Simple Inner Reality
Complex Outer Reality

The power of your performance doesnt come from your methods, techniques and secrets from the books, but your methods, techniques and secrets in front of your loved audience.

Thats the place that needs as much focus as your study, practice and rehearsal. Thats the place when your light can shine and offer a radiant moment of Mystery Performance.

This is our humble homage for you, thanks Ted for your wonderful legacy.


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