Quote of the Week: Carl Jung

The master of the Psyche, Carl Jung, teaches us the power of symbolic awareness as lifestyle.

What is a symbolic life?

Observing everything that happens, at all times in our living, as more than mere superficialities. As Mystery Performers, we can experience an extraordinaire and constant awe of everything that occurs. Living can be a ritual, living can be a sacred adventure of experiencing beyond the mundane.

How can we share mystery in our performance if we are not authentically experience it in our everyday? 

If we are not aware of this fundamental aspect, we will sink in the apparent meaninglessness of everything. Each moment is a mirror, we can be the creators of a fascinating journey through our own process of living.

Sometimes these conversations and reflections can be a little bit complex, that is why if you are interested in learning and understanding in practical and simple manners these ideas, I recommend you to study both "Symbolic Artifacts" and "Jung for Mystery Performers". At least in my experience, they have the potential to transform everything that you do as Mystery Performer in subtle and powerful ways.



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