Quote of the Week: Rumi

The Sufi Poet and Mystic Rumi inspires to observe deeper through the powerful metaphor of a tree.

If you dont observe your roots as Performer, you will not find your true richness in new tricks. If you are not aware of the potential of your performance through previous self-knowledge of what you can truly share beyond the "effect", you will be stuck in a never ending search.

That is why the Tree Model is so powerful, and I use it constantly in our "Mentalism Course" and in "The Path of Mystery". A tree is a natural and symbolic representation of our fascinating complexity and unity.

That is why "PsychoDendromancy" is also a powerful psychological reading system beyond the common "Tree Reading". It shows is the deep spontaneity of an oracular conversation through symbolical awareness.

This week, go deeper in your self knowledge and hug a tree! 



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