Quote of the Week: Isabel Allende

Today we invite Isabel Allende (Chilean-American writer) to our "Quote of the Week" with a powerful and simple insight about fear.

All human beings experience fear. Sometimes we imagine a space of performance without it, and if you have experience in real-world performance, you know that this is an illusion. There is no way to avoid fear, what we can learn and develop is courage to integrate that fear as useful energy in performance.

Fear can paralyze you, convince you of your lack of social skill, and freeze your development. Be friend with your fear, talk to yourself in a conscious manner and prepare with excellence so you are completely sure that your previous work will open for you that space of bravery and openeness.

There are many Mystery Performers with "stage fright" or other type of similar fear that can be very uncomfortable, but as soon as you connect with the potential of that performance, you will feel that the experience was worth it.

Push yourself in your own pace, that is the only way to grow. Invest time in your practice & rehearse, so you are genuinely supported by good work. If you are starting in Mentalism, choose performances pieces that are based in simple core methods , in that way you will be able to understand the subtle aspects of the performance and connect with your participant and audiences without extra worries.

You can only get fruits if you plant the seed, right?

Thanks Isabel for your inspiration!



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